EPDM(Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer)

An excellent general purpose elastomer, resistant to many chemicals, polar solvents, many
CIP solutions, and most aqueous-based systems. Used for general processing,
acid/alkalis, hot water and occasional steaming.
• Low permeability to gases. Useful in higher pressure and vacuum applications.
•Temperature Range: -20 F° to 300 F°
•Continuous Liquid Media: -20 F° to 200 F°
Genuine VITON® GF (FKM)
Used for general processing, most acids , hot water, and excellent steam resistance.
•Low permeability to gases. Useful in higher pressure and vacuum applications where both
the sealing properties of rubber and the chemical resistance of Teflon®
like materials are required.
•Temperature Range: 18 F° to 450 F°
•Continuous Liquid Media:0 F° to 300 F°
Genuine Dyneon™ TFM™ (Modified PTFE)
Genuine Dyneon™ TFM™ from 3M®.
Resistant to almost all chemicals, solvents, and CIP solutions,
It is ideal for continuous steam, hot WFI and processing areas.
•Temperature Range (with EPDM backing) : -20 F° to 300º F°
•Temperature Range (with Viton® backing):-0 F° to 450º F°
Product Differentiators-Performance
Quality: All materials and parts, are the best grades from the best manufacturers
and its own proprietary elastomer formulations.
Reliability: Rigorous testing by third-party industry experts demonstrates long-term durability
through 500 steam cycles and more than 100,000 valve cycles.
Maintenance: Less retorquing, plus increased diaphragm longevity equals less maintenance
and less plant down-time.
Traceability:Diaphragms are fully batch traceable at the part level an exclusive in
the industry (patent pending).
Cleanability: Smoother surface finishes provide better cleanability and sanitization.
Sealing Systems does not sell ITT®, Saunders® or GemüTM OEM valves or diaphragms. NSG is not affiliated with any
of these companies, nor is NSG or any of its products sponsored by or endorsed
by any of these companies
Time Tested Materials -Third Party Verified Performance
1. The Elasomer backing is manufactured from famour polyer-rich 2107 EPDM compound.
2. The TFM facing of the diaphragm is made from time proven modified fluoropolymer, the choice of the diaphragm valve industry for phramaceutical applications and validated for years. Manufacturer certified USP Classl VI
3. Mechanical testing by third part industry experts to 500 steam cycles and over 100,000 valve cycles has demonstrated exceptional steam resistance and long term durability.